Alonzo Yates, Owner          
Cell: 601-392-0012      
Cell: 520-203-3006

Alonzo can get these products & services for you.



 Note: the payment page is designed so that you can type-in your exact cost

We can save you money and offer you better solutions in your lives.


Gas Pill More MPG! Work From Home RxCare Celluvation   for video
Green Houses My Daily Choice ERTC

RxCare Agents

Clear United - for video Itera Care  - for intro Itera Care  - for therapy New Discount Program**
Shuffle Marketing Elify Vimeo - for video Lurralife
Vollara Free Pharmacy Savings Group Health Plans New Security Plans 
Ihub global  Savings Hwy Health Plans ZBlackCard We Help You Save

Neighborhood Outreach 

Xcelerate Fortress
Apricot Solar   HFL Affluence Ally